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Frequently asked questions
Do you offer a large parcel delivery service?
We are quite generous with regards to the size of packages that can be sent via our service, Because we also offer large package delivery using a Van, but this can only be available on prior arrangements.
What options exist for late, lost, or no delivery?
In the event of loss or damage to goods, we have goods-in-transit insurance that covers all necessary procedures and steps to ensure the compensation process is carried out efficiently.
For late or undelivered items, we will provide an explanation and offer alternative means to our clients in a timely manner.
Do you offer a door to door delivery service with pick-up included?
Yes, Minuteman is a company that was established to remove the hassle and inconvenience from the manufacturer, distributor, supplier, or provider, so all you have to do is pack your item, label it very well and call your messenger on wheels to finish off what you started.
What form payment do accept?
We offer a variety of payment methods that are accepted within Uganda, and these include;
- Cash
- Cheque
- Momo Pay
- Mobile payments i.e Airtel & MTN Mobile Money
- Electronic bank transfers
- Iotech Pay
Do you offer express package delivery services?
We offer express package delivery on a dedicated Fleet basis, All other packages we give an estimated time of 30- 50 min before the rider can reaches you.
Companies don’t need to create a transport department because we take care of all the delivery needs, without increasing their staff numbers.
Time Effective
We help companies save time by eliminating the hassle and Basel of town traffic jams.
Health Conscious
We are aware of the situation at hand of the pandemic, so our riders are furnished with masks and sanitizers on board all the time to protect themselves and the clients.
We are very visible and our brand stands out for clear identification and safety.
When your partner with us, you are assured of a rider whether it's shining or raining...